“I’ve Got the Faith of a Mustard Seed!”

Yellow mustard seed flower and her seeds.

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Hello,  do you have interesting weeds growing in your back yard or in the parks of your hometown? We do. Journey and I want to tell you about the mustard seed plant. We make posts to help you meet friends and influence people. A good way to become an interesting person is to learn about the wildflowers and plants in your community. Each one has an amazing story!

It always shocks someone when they see me snatch a weed from the side of the path and eat it! Yes, mustard seed is edible… every single part of it. Mustard has many nutritional benefits. Vitamin B, C, and Fiber. Minerals include calcium phosphorous and potassium like to top my salads with the flowers. Make sure you pick young plants. The old ones are woody.

Are you curious about the name of this plant? Mustard, what does it mean? The root word is, “must.”  Must is  unfermented grape juice, squeezed fresh from grapes and mixed with crushed mustard seeds. The result is a spicy topping for foods.

Archeologists discovered that mustard seed can be traced back to the Stone Age when early civilizations crushed the seed and blended it with bitter grape juice to make a condiment for their food or to make a salve to put on sore muscles and joints. The seeds were found in the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs. Mustard has been our food a long time.

My favorite legend about mustard seed comes from the journals of Father Serra. He carried the seeds with him as he established the missions. He planted them in hope that this flower would remind travelers to have faith in Christ. The Bible refers to mustard seed in Matthew and Luke. It is best remembered as the plant that symbolizes Christian faith and Christian growth. With just the seed of a mustard seed, Christ said that you can move mountains.

During the spring, these flowers bloom all along El Camino Real. This is the pathway that linked all twenty-one missions in California. Father Serra had four reasons to plant them. First, they were reminders to have faith. Secondly, they were beautiful. Third, they are edible. You will never go hungry if you see mustard seed plants. Finally, when the seeds are crushed and applied to swollen muscles and joints, it reduces the pain and swelling. Believe me, as far and as long as Father Serra walked, he must have had good reason to plant mustard seed!

With faith the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains. Mountains are a figure of speech. That means, they represent any difficulty you may have that you can’t solve. This could be persistent pain that won’t go away. It could be a difficult person who makes your life miserable and they won’t change. Your mountain could be grief or sorrow that makes you sad and you can’t chase the glooms or your mountain may be a dream you have and you don’t think you will ever have it. What mountain would you like to move in your life? Have faith the size  of a mustard seed in our Lord, Jesus Christ and see what can be done.

Mustard Seed Pods

Scriptural Application:  Matthew 17:20

What does it mean to have faith the size of a mustard seed?  This means to put our faith entirely in God’s power rather than in our abilities.  Is there something you cannot do?  Pray that it is what God wants for you.  If it truly is something that is the Lord’s will, if you have faith entirely in God’s power to answer your prayer, He will do it.  If something is not God’s will for you, nothing you can do will make it happen.

Boundaries Application:

God expects His boundaries to be respected.  The ten commandments in Scripture, is a good place to find what God requires of us.  When God makes choices and says no to us, this is His right.  He is all-knowing.  He knows what is best.  Often, we know not what is right for us.  God’s thoughts and ways are beyond our understanding.  They are greater than our thoughts.

We can only control ourselves, our thoughts and our behaviors.  It is important to focus on what we can change about ourselves.   If we think too much about other people and how we should change them, it will do us little good.  Pray you will have faith the size of a mustard seed that God will help YOU grow to understand others, not try to change them.