Be Delight-Full

Be Delight Full

How would you like to be a bright light that shines in someone’s darkness when everyone else is sad, lonely, or afraid?  You can be the one to say a word of comfort and illuminate their path.  Does that sound impossible?  Not for Journey and I.  We do it all the time.  Here is how:

We will show you a prop you can use to get someone’s attention.  This blog is filled with stunts and illusions.  Each post has a special prop used in an activity you can share with someone.  These objects or activities make people laugh.

The prop in this post is a match box.  It is pictured in the YouTube video titled, “Be Delight Full”.  The box itself, is perfect to create an illusion you can demonstrate to others.  Wood matches are packed inside the container.  Make sure you get your parents’ permission to do this stunt.

 These matches are made of materials that cause them to spark and make a flame.  In this post, we will tell you what is in the red tip at the end of each matchstick.  You may be surprised!

Before we do this, view Journey’s masterful dog illusion. He will make something appear in the box.  A red bandana covers the container.  Journey speaks a mysterious, transforming howl and snatches the scarf away.  The match box is opened and inside is a ten-dollar bill!

This illusion is certain to put a smile on someone’s face, but you do not need to have a prop in order to light up someone’s life.  Journey and I do it all the time.

When we go into a store, Journey smiles and wags his tail.  This is enough to make the grouchiest, most unlikely person… crack a big smile.  Journey smiles.  You don’t believe it, do you?  Look at the artwork done of huskies.  See clip art on the internet.  Most assuredly, their black lips curl up in a graceful, congenial smile of good-will.

Everyone knows dogs wag their tails.  People can wag their tails.  Journey is my prop.  He grabs people’s attention.  I smile and wag my tail. Of course, I do not have the tail of a dog, but I can wag my, “tale.”   I have a story to tell.  A tale is a story.

I share how Journey and I met.  It is a serious and deeply moving adventure that is true.  People look at us in wonder how the Lord brought this little white angel into my life. 

God knows our deepest most profound needs.  He brought Journey to live with me because I was sad and alone.  Journey was just what I needed.  You can read more about this story in this blog.

Some people have boundaries they put around them to keep unwanted visitors away.  One of the invisible fences they make between themselves, and others is a frowning face.  Most of the time, this is enough to keep people from talking to them.

Why would anyone want to discourage people from visiting with them?  There are many reasons. They have been hurt, abandoned or frightened very badly.  Fear often causes us to climb into an invisible cave and hide ourselves from others.

Our responsibility as caring, loving individuals, is to make lonely people feel safe.  We can do this by sharing our tale with them.  Try to think of a time when someone hurt you or rejected you.  That is the perfect story to tell people who are sad and alone.  This causes them to see your light.  Light makes people feel safe.  That person, most likely, will share their tale.  Soon they smile and are wagging their tales.

There are many Scriptures that teach us to have compassion for others.  These lessons may be found in all the religions of the world.  Love is universal.  Here are some of the best passages I know:

  • 1 John 4:16 – Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.
  • 1 Corinthians 13:13 – And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
  • 1 John 4:19 – We love because He first loved us.
  • Colossians 3:14 – And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.
  • John 3:16 – For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Our YouTube promised to tell you how matches are made.  It is a simple process of making fire.  Fire needs three things to start a flame:

  1.  Oxygen
  2.  A spark
  3.  Fuel to burn

Oxygen surrounds us most of the time.

The spark is caused when we strike the red tip against the side of an abrasive surface. (The side of the box has sandpaper on it)

When you strike a matchstick against the rough surface of a matchbox, it creates friction. This friction generates heat, which causes a small amount of the red phosphorus chain on the match head to break apart. This reaction produces white phosphorus, which reacts with oxygen in the air to create heat and light. The heat then causes potassium chlorate stored inside the match head to decompose, releasing extra oxygen and heat, which makes the match head burn quickly and strongly. (

Isn’t it interesting that the same three things you need to start a fire, you also need to start a stimulating conversation with someone?  These three elements can make you a bright light that shines in someone’s darkness:

  1.  Oxygen.  When you start a conversation, the air you breathe mingles with the air of a stranger.
  2. A spark.  We need something to spark someone’s attention.  That is a prop.  Our prop in this post, is an illusion we do with a matchbox. 
  3. Finally, we need fuel to burn.  People begin to light up with the energy you give the conversation.  That is our tale.  The story we share makes people want to hear more. 

We fuel a new friendship.  Our friendship generates other friends to join our circle.  Soon, we have a community of people who love one another.  It is like a wildfire that spreads. People feel safe sharing their stories and soon others feel safe.  Light continues to grow stronger and brighter between people of all races and cultures.

To learn how to tell your tale, you need to write a story down about yourself.  Our next post will give you some bright ideas.

Thanks for listening, reading and watching us wag our tail and share our tale.