How to Always Wake Up on the Right Side of the Bed

“Did you Wake up on the wrong side of the bed?”

Journey growled when I turned on the light at 2:00 a.m. 

“Turn off the light!” he said, as he put his paw over his eyes.

I got up earlier than usual and he didn’t like it.  When I spent too much time stretching, I heard someone scratch, scratch, scratching on the door.  I looked, and there was Journey moaning like a wounded animal.

“First you wake me up too early and I can’t get back to sleep.  Now, you are taking my time to run in the morning.  Let’s go, we’re late!” he grumbled as he growled.

I scrambled for my backpack. No use arguing with a husky.  Once they get in a sour mood, it is hard to change them.  Do you know someone like this?

Out we went to the hillside.  Journey pulled the bike eagerly uphill and wore himself out.  He begged for a drink.  Guess what, in my haste, I forgot his water.

“No water?” he shrieked. 

“Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed, this morning?” I said to him. 

We were only out for an hour and Journey made it difficult to run.  He stopped and sniffed every new scent on the path and, of course, he had to leave his scent to top the last critter’s scent.  Our work-out took longer than usual and when Journey got home, he rushed in and drank and drank and drank.

“Journey, you blame me for everything that goes wrong!” I said to him.  “You did get up on the wrong side of the bed!”

“My bed is round!” he sniveled.

 Journey sneezed. He sneezes two times when he disagrees with me. “Round things don’t have two sides,” he said as he circled his pillow and plunked down angrily.

I showed Journey an apple that was red.  Over the top I put a scarf and told Journey to say our transforming word, “Illusion!”  The apple changed to green.

Everyone knows that red apples are sweeter than green apples.  The apple is round but it has a wrong side.  The pommelo is round and one side is green until it turns a perfect yellow.  It has a wrong side.  So, too, the banana is green until it is touched by the sun and turns a sweet yellow.

“What is your point?” said Journey.

My point is when you woke up this morning, you got up on the wrong side of the bed. You awakened with, “Stinky thinking.” You were afraid you weren’t going to get enough sleep, so you complained about it when I got up early. 

All of us wake up with a bad thought now and then.  It is not good to wake up on the wrong side of the bed every morning.  The moment you have a nasty thought about someone or yourself, roll over on the right side of the bed and say a good thing about whoever did you wrong!

That isn’t always easy.  I sing a song.  There are lots of songs that lift our spirits.

One is, “Sunny Side”

“Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side,

  Keep on the sunny side of life.

  It can help you everyday.

  It can brighten up your way,

  If you keep on the sunny side of life.”

This song was written and sung by a caregiver who was pushing her patient in a wheelchair down the street.  He shouted out, “Keep on the sunny side!”  Obviously, he had a chill, so she changed side and the song immediately popped into her mind.  She sang it to her patient and he lightened up. He smiled and sang along, too.  He rode down the wrong side of the street like Journey woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

There are other things you can do that will instantly make you feel better when you wake up.  Here are some promises that you can count on for yourself. 

Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. New Living Translation.

Mark 9:23

“Everything is possible for him who believes”.

If you truly want to have victory over the dark feelings you have in the morning, there is a book I high recommend.  It is called, VICTORY OVER THE DARKNESS, by Neil T. Anderson.  He lists the, “Twenty Cans of Success in our Lives”.  I will share the first four which are the reasons we wake up on the bad wrong side of the bed:  

  1. Why should I be weak when the Bible says that the Lord is the strength of my life and that I will display strength and take action because I know God. (Daniel 11:32)
  2. the Bible says, I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength?  (Phil. 4:13)
  3. Why should I worry about my needs when I know that God will take care of all my needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus (Phil. 4:19)
  4. Why should I fear when the Bible says God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind (2 Tim. 1:7)

( Neil listed a different, “can” for number (4) .  The, “can” for overcoming weakness and feeling strong is really, “can” number (5).

This book also teaches us how we should see ourselves with the eyes of God not other people.  Dark thoughts arise when we try to be someone we are not.

This post is a little different from prior posts.  Usually, we list Scriptural ways to deal with issues then we list ways to overcome our struggles with Boundaries.

When we set boundaries for ourselves, this means, we refuse to mentally wake up with bad thoughts.  Sometimes, nightmares that we had will start our mornings off with, “stinky thinking”.  Nightmares can be caused by several things.  Dreams and nightmares are the subject of  another post. 

Inevitably, we will wake up from time to time with the wrong thoughts about someone.  It is because we feel hurt, abandoned, wrongly accused or rejected.  All these feelings can be resolved if you learn who you really represent as a living person on this planet.  Read Neil Anderson’s book and learn who you really are and stand up for yourself.  If your mind tells you that you are a good-for-nothing person, state your case:

“ I am a saint.” (1 Cor. 1:2)

“I am chosen of God and dearly loved.” (Col. 3:12)

These are just two ways to describe who we truly are.  There are many things we are and we are to do.

Enjoy your day and your mornings.  Wake up on the right side.  If you don’t, roll over and wake up on the right side, singing, “Keep on the Sunny Side”.