Do you always show your true colors?

The idiom, “Show your true colors”, means to show who you really are.  As far as we can tell, this phrase started in the 1700’s.  Every ship at sea had a color determined by the nation or country it came from.  If pirates from the South Seas wanted to steal gold from a Spanish ship, they might raise a Spanish flag to the top of their mast.  This was not telling the truth.  It was deceptive.  Pirates could sail into Spanish waters and plunder ships. 

It is the same thing when we tell lies about ourselves.  One way to deceive others is to drive a fancy car everyone admires. This action implies you have plenty of money to buy an expensive automobile.  The question is, do you want people to like you because you have a nice car or you are rich?  No, you want them to like your true self.

 Another way to fool people is to dress in fashionable clothing. A fancy wardrobe of colorful shoes, and outfits is costly.   Do you want people to wish they had your clothes or would you like them to want to spend time with you no matter what you wear?

Journey grabs people’s attention immediately.  I did not buy him.  He was a run-away and was given to me.  One of the benefits of having a smart, attractive and well-behaved dog is that most people want to pet him and they enjoy hearing him talk.  He is very well-groomed and an expensive breed but this does not mean I am rich.  This is the impression Journey gives.  I assure you, it isn’t true.

The question is, am I showing my true colors when I take Journey with me?  The answer is, “No”.  Journey is friendly and out-going and loves everyone.  I am basically very shy.  I stand behind my dog and get to know the person a little bit before I tell them our story.  I feel confident and outgoing when Journey is with me because I know everyone likes him.  I can easily share and then the new friendship has a chance to grow.

If you show your true colors, you reveal yourself as you really are. You act in agreement with your real personality as opposed to how one has been portrayed or after having been deceptively and deliberately misleading. The question is, who am I?

We learn from the video in this post that colors represent our feelings. 

Did you know that each color is symbolic of a single character type.  What color are you?  This is a quiz.  Choose your two, favorite colors and see what they mean.

  • Purple: Suggests creativity, wisdom, and a love for art and culture.
  • Black: Conveys elegance, mystery, and a touch of sophistication.
  • Red:  This color shows energy and a competitive spirit.  It is linked to passionate feelings.
  • Blue:  Represents calmness, stability and a preference for harmony.
  • Green: Signifies growth, balance and a deep connection to nature.
  • Yello:  Reflects optimism, happiness and a sunny disposition.

What colors did you choose?  Were the descriptions true about you?

When you are a person of good character and wholesome values, why is it important to show your true colors?

Bobby met Bruce at a baseball game.  They were the same age and planned to spend Saturday together.  Bruce thought it would be great fun to steal hub caps.  He showed Bobby his collection in his room.  They were hidden in an empty trash bag out in the garage. 

Bobby told Bruce he couldn’t steal.  He said he was a Christian and it is against one of the ten commandments.

Bruce was not a believer in any religion and he laughed.  He told Bobby he was just afraid he would be caught.  “You’re  chicken!” he said.

“No,” Bobby replied wisely. “… I just don’t like fowl play.”

Here are some verses that support honesty in our lives:


When we show our true colors we can make friends but we may also make enemies.  Perhaps you took your brother’s gloves to do gardening and never returned them.  You may have told a, “white lie” by saying, “I saw them in the clothes hamper.  You did not tell the whole truth.  That is a white lie.  You never confessed you took them.

We need to always ask for permission to borrow things and always return them clean.  If we take things without asking, we have taken someone’s property and violated this person’s boundaries.

If one of your friends comes over to play with your dog everyday and you feel like he likes the dog better than you, you need to share your true colors or your true feelings.  Suggest activities the three of you can do together.

These are just a few ways to show your true colors.  What does a tatoo tell you about a person?  Here is a list of tatoo symbols.  What does it tell you about the person who wears it?

An eagle

A sailboat

A dove

A horse

A hot rod automobile

A diamond

A dragon