About Me

I have died and returned to life. This incident gave me a whole new perspective.  It gave me faith and a reason to live.

I realize my accomplishments do not define me. The blessings of life I have had in abundance but if there is anything I wish to be remembered for it is that I am one of the few people who can say, “I walked with God.”  I would like to share my story with you,

I stopped for a red light.  When the signal turned green, I proceeded on my way. A white truck careened through the intersection and smashed into me.  It was going eighty-one miles an hour and hit me on my driver’s side.

I felt the impact and the sensation of my Honda spinning around. There was no question in my mind that I was killed …instantly.  I blacked out and there was an undeniable feeling of being lifted out of my body and raised to a place where I heard music that is beyond description. The harmony literally transported me to a different place.  A chorus of angels heralded my arrival.

“Could this be?” I thought to myself. 

There are things I have done in my past I am not pleased to admit.  Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would ever enter Paradise, yet I was welcomed to a place reserved for the holiest and most righteous.

My whole life passed before my eyes.  I remembered all the events.  There were some people I could not recall but now I know those are individuals whose lives I touched and was not aware of it. I saw work I did that was selfless and good by the grace of the Holy Spirit living within me.

As I witnessed the history of my past, it occurred to me that certain events were missing.  These were my mistakes.  My horrific sinful past was not recorded in this presentation before me. 

I shouted out, “You forgot the bad stuff!”

A voice answered me,

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but shall have eternal life.” (John 3: l6)

I knew these were the words of Christ.  The reason my sinful past was forgotten was that I received Christ as my Savior and Lord when I was young.  God never forgets. 

Once our sin is forgotten.  It is removed.  It is blotted out forever through the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.  We may experience the penalty of our errors while we are alive, but we cannot lose eternal life and forgiveness.  There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus. 

Finally, I felt true forgiveness.  I was filled with so much joy and happiness that I was glad to have left life behind.  It was a place of total peace and beauty beyond imagining.

Then I woke up.  My eyes opened to life on earth again.  It was not a pretty sight.  My car was a mangled box of metal crushed around my body.  All windows were shattered into broken cubes of glass. The steering wheel was collapsed and buried into my chest, but I was not crushed.  How could I survive without one scratch?

I looked up to see a crowd of people standing around the automobile in prayer.  When I glanced at them, they applauded.  On-lookers danced and hugged one another. 

Slowly, carefully, I pulled myself out of a window.  The doors were all too twisted to open.  I stood up and saw police cars, a fire engine with red lights flashing and an unconscious young girl carried by paramedics to an ambulance. I, silently, prayed for her.

People cheered as I stood up and spoke to them,

“There is life after death,” I told them.  “I am living proof.  Heaven is real and better than anything you can imagine. 

I was in the presence of the Lord.  It was the greatest blessing a person can have, despite this accident. 

My sins are completely forgiven.  The Lord whispered, “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him shall never perish but shall have eternal life.” I believe Him.

If you have not accepted Christ as your Lord, do so now.  Don’t wait.  You may not live to have a second chance.”

This story, I repeat every chance I get.  I lost my husband in 2020, during the Covid epidemic. These last few years have not been easy for me, but I know that Heaven waits for me and the assurance that I will see my loved ones again.

I realize I may have readers who want to know if I am qualified to teach people how to have value-based conversations with others.  Some may want to know how long I was a teacher.  For this reason, I will list my background experiences, but anyone can do this.  There is reason to doubt what people report on their blogs.  Trust the Lord, not me.  I am telling the truth.

I have a life-long multi-subject and multi-grade level teaching credential.  I taught grades k-college level.  The subjects I teach range from general education to English, history, physical education, science, and literacy.

Discover New Horizons is an education field trip organization that I created.  I developed lesson plans, organized fund raisers and personally guided students of all grade levels to different parts of California.  They took history and science related tours.  Hacienda La Puente, Rowland Heights, Walnut, Diamond Bar, Fullerton, and Whittier School Districts in California were the schools I worked for.

I taught for 35 years in all these districts and I directed field trips for l8 years.

I am a self-published writer of children’s books with Kindle Books.  Look for Tattle Tale Adventures.

My personal hobbies are gardening, landscaping, photography, piano, guitar, music, poetry, sailing, travel, writing, hiking, horses, Siberian Huskies, biking, swimming, and I ran marathons for over 10 years, mostly on Catalina Island.

I was co-captain of several trawlers and an Island Packet Sailboat.  I sailed up and down the coast of California, the Pacific Northwest and Mexico.  I have a blog that journals my sailing adventures.

I have enjoyed the place where I live my entire life.  I am 71 years old.  I have re-built a l930’s ranch home and hope to donate it to the community as a historical landmark.  You can visit me.  It will soon be a bed and breakfast.

Finally, a dog named, “Journey”, rescued me.  His story you will read about in this blog.  All I need is G-O-D and a D-0-G.