Betcha can’t!

There are some things you can’t do… no matter how hard you try! Is this true? Let’s find out.

Say: “Lift one foot off the ground.”

Your friend will easily lift one foot off the ground.

Say: “I can make it impossible for you to lift that foot off the ground.”


Ask a friend to stand against the wall. Your friend’s right foot and right shoulder should touch the wall.

Say: “I will place a dollar bill under the other foot…your left one. You may keep the dollar, if you can lift your left foot without moving your right foot and shoulder.”

(No one can do this without falling over or moving away from the wall.)

Personal Application:

When we are young, our parents often tell us, “All things are possible!” These kind words give us courage to try things for the very first time. but as we see in this stunt, not all things are possible.

What is something you have tried that seems impossible? Do you know how to roller skate or roller blade? Can you ice skate? Can you play the piano or the tuba? Is there a language you cannot speak?

Many things seem impossible but there are ways to accomplish most things unless gravity or physical limitations keep us from doing certain movements. Often, with a little thought and willingness to try, we can get more done than we think. The following story shows how two people got what they want in a whimsical way:

Joke-Story “Nothing is impossible”

I would like to tell you a story about two people, Gizelle and Mike, who walked their dogs every day. One afternoon, they wanted to go into a restaurant and have lunch but there was a big sign outdoors that read, “No dogs allowed.”

Mike said, “It sure would be nice to go in and have some lunch!”

Gizelle nodded sadly. She knew they were not allowed inside the cafe.

“I know,” Mike said excitedly. “Follow my lead.”

Mike picked up a large branch from the side of the road. It looked like a walking stick. He pretended to be blind and searched the ground in front of him with the stick. His dog took the lead. He was hungry, too. They both went right into the cafe. The manager appeared and said, “I am sorry but we don’t allow dogs in here.” Mike never made eye contact with the manager. “This is my seeing eye dog,” he replied.

“A Doberman Pincher?” questioned the manager.

“Oh yes,” Mike replied. “Doberman’s are excellent service dogs.”

The manager, reluctantly, led him over to a table beside the main store window. Gizelle saw Mike sitting there. Mike winked at her and motioned for her to come into the cafe.

Gizelle picked up a stick, too and led her dog into the cafe. The manager put his hands on his hips and shook his head from side to side. “You can’t bring dogs in here!” he said.

Gizelle said, “I am blind. I cannot go anywhere without her.”

The manager looked at her dog and said, “A Chihuahua?”

Gizelle looked surprized and replied,

“They sold me a Chihuahua?”

Say: Many things seem impossible but we just have to think of clever ways to get what we want. This does not mean we should lie. Mike and Gizelle made the manager believe they were blind. How could they have gotten what they wanted without pretending to be blind?


Ask: Have you ever wanted to do something but were told you could not do it? I have. I wanted to take a hike beyond a sign that said, “No trespassing”. There was a beautiful animal path up a green hill and at the very top, I was certain I could see the whole valley below. I managed to slide under the barbed wire fence. I wasn’t far up the hill when a bull and three cow appeared over the summit. That bull ran right for me. He didn’t want anyone bothering his girls or invading his territory. You have never seen anyone run faster in their lives! I ripped my pants when I dived under the barbed wire fence and I still have a scar on my back where the wire cut deeply into my skin. Some things are meant to be impossible for a reason. There are rules, laws and boundaries that keep us safe. Respecting these requirements protect our lives and the lives of others.


“This Land is your land . This land is my land,

from California to the New York Island

From the Redwood forest to the Gulf Stream Waters.

This land was made for you and me.

As I was walking, I saw a sign there and the sign did say,

“There’s no tresspassing. But on the other side, it didn’t say nothin’

That side is made for you and me.

This land is your land. This land is my land. From California, to the New York Island. From the Red Wood Forest to the Gulf Stream Waters. This land was made for you and me.”

(Woodie Guthrie)

Scripture Application:

Mark 9:23 “All things are possible to he who believe.”

Boundaries : Often people tell us that all things are possible for us but we are not capable of doing all things. We are each unique, gifted beings who can do a few things very, very well. Discover what is brilliant about you. Share it with others.