“Time Flys When You’re Having Fun”

There are things you can do that make time fly. Time flies when you are with someone you love. It is hard to imagine life without a clock but in reality, we all have eternity to share together. Why think about time?


You Need:  Thin black thread, a small safety pin, napkin or handkerchief.

The pin is fastened to the top of your pants.  No one should see it.  A pocket is a good place to hide the pin that is fastened.

Prepare:  Knot one end of a thin black thread.  Thread it through a small button.  The knotted end should be tied to a small safety pin.  There are seven inches of thread between button and pin.

Do:  The button is placed on your fingers so the thread runs between your fingers, under your hand and into your pocket. 

Pick up the napkin with your other hand.

Say:  I have a button that will vanish before your eyes.

Do:  Cover the button with the napkin.

Let the button drop through your fingers so it hangs by your waist by the thread.

Pick up the napkin as if the coin is still in there.  Fold it. Hand the napkin to your friend. The audience will think the button is still in the napkin.  Hand the napkin to your friend.

Your friend will unfold the napkin and see the coin is gone.

Take the napkin and put it aside.  Turn your back and tuck the button back into your pocket.

Be sure to wear dark clothes and have a dark button.  Practice!

Have you ever been so busy doing something you love to do that the time races by?  This happened to me often when I was a child.  I loved riding my pony and taking hikes in the wilderness.  It was only when I heard my father ring the big bell out in front of our house that I knew it was time to go home.

Today, we have cell phones that remind us about the time but it is really nice to forget time and enjoy doing something.  Is there something you like to do that keeps you so delightfully busy that you forget everything else?  What is it?  Is it a hobby or a musical instrument?  Is it playing a favorite game with someone?  What is the game?

This is a poem written about someone who loves to read. Books not only help him pass the time but in books, we find people and things to spend our time with.  Take time to enjoy your imagination.

WHO HATH A BOOK by Wilbur Mesbit

Who hath a book has friends at hand

And gold and gear at his command;

And rich estates if he but look,

Are held by him who has a book.

Who hath a book

Has but to read

And he may be a king indeed;

His kingdom is his inglenook;

All this is his

Who has a book.

Scriptural Application:

Psalm 90:12

Teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.

What is a heart of wisdom?  This verse teaches us that everyone, regardless of age, needs to learn how to be a wise and knowledgeable about the things of God.  Read the Bible daily.  Pray and ask God to speak to your heart.  There are Bibles for children and Bibles for adults.  Bible stories come in all forms.  As you read, you will gain wisdom.  Most people want to learn how to love the Lord more and more and to be pleasing to Him.  There are only so many days on earth.  We are hear to learn and become wise.  If we waste our days and stop learning about the Lord and Godliness, we cannot be the best we can be.

Boundaries  Application

Do you waste your time?  Do you spend your time doing things that are not important and useless?  Do you have friends that waste their time doing things that are not helpful to others?

Make friends with people who spend their time wisely.  These people are usually doing things that are useful and they have fun doing it.

What are things you can do that would make you helpful to others?  Maybe, you have a skill or a hobby you can share with others.  Can you teach someone else?  This is a good use of your time.  Don’t let someone waste your time.

List some things that are good activities to participate in.  Why did you choose these things?  How do you tell someone that the things they are doing are not things you want to do?