Dynamic Dialogue Designates Decision-Makers

Children, teachers, subgstitutes, and professionals will welcome this fresh, spontaneous approach to communication.

Color My World

What is your favorite color?  Why did you choose this color?  What things that you love are these colors? 

This stunt requires you choose one of your favorite colors.

Prepare:  A box of crayons, a pencil and six small pieces of blank paper that are about the same size.

Say:  Take six crayons from the box.  On these pieces of blank paper, I will write the colors of each crayon.

(You do not really write down different colors.  You write down the color, “blue”, on each paper.  Be sure to write carefully and hide what you are doing from your friend.

Do:  When you write, pretend like you are writing the different colors.

Wad up the paper after each time you write. You will have six balls of paper.

Say: “Mix up the balls of paper.  Pick one and do not show the one you picked to me.  Read it.  Concentrate on the color.  I will guess what color it is.  Go ahead, think about it but don’t show me what is on the paper.”

Say:  “It is blue!”

Do:  Quickly snatch up the balls of paper so your friend will not guess what you did.  Do this calmly, quietly, without suspect!

What is your favorite color?  Why did you choose this color?  What things that you love are these colors? 

My favorite colors have changed.  When I was a child, I loved the color, blue.  That is because I enjoyed seeing my mother dress in blue.  She had blouses and skirts, pants and scarves that were royal blue.  A lovely Irish woman she was and her dark hair and bright blue eyes made this color even more endearing.

This poem is about a patch of blue that the poet loved,

MY “PATCH OF BLUE”  by Mary Newland Carson

My ” Patch of Blue “

by Mary Newland Carson

THERE’S A BIT of sky across the street
Which I have learned to love,
One end of it rests on the house tops high,
The other on the heavens above.
It looks most beautiful at times
And has been such a comfort, too,
That when I look thro’ my windowpane
I call it my ” Patch of Blue. “
When I think of God’s great universe
With its vast expanse of sky,
And of those who can roam from sea to sea
Without a thought of why
This wondrous joy is given to them
By a God so kind and true,
I wonder if they are quite as glad
As I, for my ” Patch of Blue. “

I call it mine: God’s gift to me,
From September until June.
It heals my hurt; it warms my heart;
And I’m sure that very soon
The lesson that it teaches me
Will warm me thro’ and thro’;
For it seems as though God’s blessed smile
Shines thro’ my ” Patch of Blue. “

I’ve seen it when light, fleecy clouds
Went scurrying ‘cross its face
And made that tiny bit of sky
Look like a bit of lace.
I’ve also seen the storm clouds burst,
And winds go rushing thro’,
But I always knew that once again
I’d see my ” Patch of Blue.

I’ve watched it when the wintry snows
Had hidden it from sight,
But I have known full well that soon
It would once more be bright.
When sunset drops her curtain down
She turns to golden hue
That little bit of lovely sky
That was my ” Patch of Blue.

When I lie upon my bed at night,
With a heart full of pain and fear,
I think of the twinkling stars out there
That shine so bright and clear.
I think of the radiant, glorious moon
Shining the whole night thro’,
And I know that the morning sun will bring
Once more my ” Patch of Blue.

I’ve looked across that bit of sky
As the twilight hour drew near,
And thought of one in that ” Great Beyond “
Who was to me most dear.
He was such a very little lad,
Only four years old,
When he passed the portals thro’
And he’s still waiting for me there
Beyond my ” Patch of Blue. “

There are other dear ones over there
Whose journey here is o’er.
I shall see them sometime, somewhere,
At rest on the shining shore.
Dear Lord! Please help my life to be
So patient, kind and true
That when at last my race is run
I can cross my ” Patch of Blue. “

And then one day — when I tried to look
I found I could not see.
In my despair I cried aloud,
” O God — it cannot be
That I must nevermore enjoy
This precious, precious view,
That I must learn to do without
My little ” Patch of Blue.”

I know not what’s in store for me
Of sorrow, joy or pain;
I do not know when I can see
My bit of sky again.
But I’m sure God’s love and mercy
Will lead me safely thro’,
And in my very heart of hearts
He can put a ” Patch of Blue. “

Oh! Friend o’ mine! Are you shut in?
Does your life seem hard to bear?
Does your heart grow sick with longing
For the joys you once could share?
” I’ll go with you, ” saith the Master,
And his promises are true;
So we’re sure that in His blessed arms
We’ll find our ” Patch of Blue. “

The Scripture Application:

In the poem, “Patch of Blue”, a person may be sick with longing for the joy they once had. 

What is the meaning of the patch of blue that the person in the poem misses?

Is there someone or something you miss?  Have they passed and gone on to be with the Lord?

Is there someone or something that had to leave your life and you miss them, terribly?

The word, “blue” has many meanings.  In this poem, it means to be sad but Scripture promises that in heaven, we shall have peace and no more sadness.  What verse says this?

John 16:20

Truly, truly, I say to you, you will weep and lament, but the world will rejoice. You will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will turn into joy.

Blue fabric is symbolic of heaven.

2 Chronicles 2:7 

So now send me a man skilled to work in gold, silver, bronze, and iron, and in purple, crimson, and blue fabrics, trained also in engraving, to be with the skilled workers who are with me in Judah and Jerusalem, whom David my father provided.

In this passage, a man was chosen because of his skill.  He could work in gold and other minerals.  Throughout history, blue fabric is symbolic of heaven, the Holy Spirit and authority.  The colors we choose may have deeper meaning.  Here are some meanings for Biblical colors:

Red – Blood of Jesus, love of God, blood of lamb, atonement, salvation. Blue – Heaven, the Holy Spirit, authority. Purple – Priesthood, kingship, royalty, mediator, wealth. Gold – Glory, divinity, kingship, eternal deity, foundation, altar, beauty, precious, holiness, majesty, righteousness.

Are one of these colors, your favorite?  Pick a color that is represented in the Bible.  Call it your favorite holy color.  Why did you choose that color

Boundaries Application:

The color, blue, represents heaven.  There is no doubt, heaven will be better than earth.  How will heaven be better than earth? 

What will you miss when you go to heaven?  How do you know it will not be there? 

What are boundaries we must make in our lives in order to live an abundant and satisfying life?  What are choices we make that keep us living healthy and joyful lives?  These choices make our boundaries secure.  None of us want to go to heaven too soon, no matter if it may be a better place.  Keep your boundaries secure until your time is finished and you have breathed your last breath.

Song, “Blue Moon” by the Marcels.  Google it!