Banana Slit

Banana Slit

Have you ever had strawberry, chocolate or peanut butter bananas?  Bananas are amazing covered with apple butter, cinnamin, sugar or honey.  I have even dipped them in carmel and butterscotch.  They are marvelous with maple syrup and bananas on melted marshmallows can’t be beat.

What is your favorite way to eat a banana?

What is the best way to slice a banana?  I bet you never tried to slice a banana while it is in the peel.  Do you think this is possible?  Watch!

What you need:  A banana (not too ripe, please!

                               A tooth pick (flat ones are best)

Secretly prepare the banana by pushing a toothpick through its skin about an inch from either end. (Toothpick ends may be sharp!)

Push the toothpick as far into the banana as possible without breaking through the peel on the other side.

Gently move the toothpick back and forth across the banana on the inside of the peel. Slice it as many times as you want.

Put the banana with the other fruit at the breakfast table but remember which one is the trick banana!

While breakfast is served, make sure you take the trick banana.

Say:  I have found a new and neater way to cut a banana…while it’s still in the peel!

Do:  Use a table knife to make some cutting motions around the banana, but don’t really touch it. (Handle the knife with care.)

Peel the banana while you hold it over a plate.  The sliced sections will drop off like magic! 

Prepare your trick banana just a little before breakfast. The fruit should be fresh and delicious.


These are fast food times and  everything is prepared and packed so consumers can eat quickly.  Bananas were probably the first and the most popular fast food.  What is your favorite fast food?  Cereals?  Waffles? Fish sticks/  French fries?  Fruits?  Fig Newtons?  Nuts?  Peanut Butter?  Jerky? Tuna?  Corn? 

Maybe popcorn?

Ask:  What do you think is the silliest fast food grown?

Say:   I think fruit roll-ups are ridiculous because what is faster than taking a bite out of a fresh, crisp, delicious banana or wolfing down a bright red strawberry? 

Ask:  What is your favorite food?   Have you ever had to go a long, long time without your favorite food?  What did you eat?

Say:  I ran out of my favorite food one day. I couldn’t eat anything else because I was on a boat and all that was left in the galley were fast foods.  There was canned meat, canned fish, beans and rice.  I don’t eat any of those things.   I nearly went crazy but I got an idea. I baked bread. 

I don’t eat bread but the aroma drifted across the water to boaters nearby. Boat bread was their favorite food so they got in their row boat and came over for a visit.  Guess what they brought?  Bananas! 

Say: In my opinion, we are better off if we stick to the real thing.  

Joke:  A frog is walking along one day when he comes across a fairy.

“For forty bucks,” the fairy says, “I can turn you into a prince.”

“Wow!” exclaims the frong, and gives the fairy fifty dollars.

The fairy changes the frog into a handsome, dashing prince.  The former frog is overjoyed.

“It’ll be so much easier to get a date for the ball now,” he thinks.

So the prince asks the fairy for the ten bucks that was left over so he can rent a really snazzy limo to go to the next ball.  The magic fairy gives him the money and is about to leave when suddenly the prince shrinks down in his boots, turns green, and is once again a frog. 

Shocked and despairing, the frog stares at the magic fairy.

“What happened?” he asks.

“Well,” she replies, “You gave me fifty bucks and then asked for your change back.”

Say:  Any way you slice it, fresh is best and nothing replaces the real thing.  We should be happy with exactly who we are.

Song:  “How Many Roads?”

How many roads must a man walk down before you call him a man?

How many seas must a white dove sail before she sleeps in the sand?

How many cannon balls must fly before they are forever banned?

The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind.  The answer, is blowin’ in the wind.

How many years must a mountain exist before it slips to the sea?

How many years must a people exist before they’re allowed to go free?

How many times must a man turn his head, pretending he just doesn’t see?

The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind.  The answer is blowin’ in the wind.

How many times must a man look up before he sees the sky?

How many ears must one man have before he can hear children cry?

How many deaths does it take ‘till we know that too many people have died?

The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind.  The answer is blowin’ in the wind.

Bob Dylan

Say:  That song is all about change.  Changing to become a man or a woman is good as long as we grow physically, mentally and spiritually into a mature human being capable of being responsible to and for others.