Number Encumber

Are you someone who has always been good with numbers? Do number tricks and games fascinate you? I am not. When I found this number stunt, I was thrilled that I could do it. Give this trick a try and fool even the most clever math wizards.

I always thought people who were good with numbers were more intelligent.  It is a common mistake.  They just know a more skillful way of doing math problems.  They may even know some tricks I never learned.  I have talents that are different. 

Prepare:  A blank sheet of notebook paper or plain paper and a pencil.

Are you good with numbers?  Has it always been difficult to do math problems?  If so, what are you good at?  Did someone always tell you that the better paying jobs go to people who are skillful in problem solving and arithmetic?

Say:  “Select a number.  I am going to guess what number you picked.  Write down the number.  Pick a number between one and twenty.  Don’t let me see the number!

Add to your number the next highest number.  If you write five, you add six. 

Divide this answer by two.

Subtract your first number from this answer.  The number you get is your Number Encumber.

I will guess your number.  It is five.”

The number is always five.

Scriptural Application:

Psalm 90:12

Teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.

This is one of my favorite verses about numbers.  When we are young, we think we will live forever.  At the age of seventy and sometimes sooner, people begin to change.  They realize that every day is important and every day is precious.  It is a gift of God to be enjoyed and to be thankful for.

Keep a journal.  Write what you are thankful for in it.  Do this no matter what age you are.  You will find how much God loves you and He has loved you every day of your life. 

The Bible also teaches us that we have eternal life.  Our Spirit goes on forever because Christ is in our hearts. 

What are your goals?  What are your dreams?  Number your days means to make a plan to achieve the things that are important to you.  Be joyful and thank God for little things, too.

Boundaries Application:

Sometimes, we put a wall up and refuse to be friends with someone because they hurt us or they did not behave properly.  Number your days with this person.  Decide on how many days you are going to stop having a friendship with this person.  Make a plan to forgive them some day.  Invite them back into your life. 

If someone hurts you over and over again.  Count the times.  If a person does not show any change, then three times is enough. Give him a, “time out” from your friendship. Tell them you are going to be with friends who will be kind to you. 

Joke:  The Number Dog 

A local business was looking for someone good with numbers.  The owners put a sign in the window that read:  “Help Wanted.  You must be good with numbers, and you must be bilingual. We are an equal opportunity employer.”  A short time later, a dog trotted up to the window, saw the sign, and went inside.  He looked at the receptionist and wagged his tail, then walked over to the sign, looked at it and whined.  The receptionist got the idea and told the office manager.  The office manager looked at the dog and was surprised, to say the least.  However, the dog looked determined, so the manager led him into his office.  Inside, the dog jumped up on a chair and stared at the manager.  The manager said, “I can’t hire you.  The sign says you must be good with numbers.  The dog jumped up and down, nodded and barked ten times.  The manager decided to see if the dog could add.  He said, “How much is two plus two?”  The dog barked two times.  “Five plus one,” he said.  Again, the dog barked correctly.  The manager was totally dumbfounded.  Each time he asked the dog a simple equation, the dog got the answer.  He looked at the dog and said, “I realize you are a very intelligent dog and are good with numbers.  Still, I can’t give you the job.”  The dog jumped down, and put his paw on the sign.  It read, “We are an equal opportunity employer.”

The manager said, “Yes, but the sign says you must speak two languages.”  The dog looked calmly at the manager and said, “Meow!”