Celebrate Your Supernatural Strength!

The lion is a global symbol of strengt

Why do people want to have supernatural abilities? It makes us feel like we are extra special and extraordinary. We feel like no one else can do what we do so we must be more important or more valuable than most people. This also attracts a lot of attention and people enjoy being loved and admired.

Here is a feat that will make you feel you are the strongest person in the room:

Fist Fake Stunt:

Make it impossible for your friend to knock your fists apart?

Tell your friend to do the following:

Say: “Put one of your fists on top of the other. I can knock them apart using one finger.”

Do: Quickly knock the top fist off the bottom one.

Say: “You won’t be able to do this.”

Do: Put your fists trogether but secretly stick your bottom thumb into your top fist. Hold your tumb tightly and your friend will never knock your fists apart!

Since the beginning of time, people with physical strength have been admired and loved. Have you ever wanted to be an olympic athlete? Johnny Weissmuller, won gold medals for his super strength and speed. He was an actor. Do you remember the classic movie, “Tarzan”? This film was a huge success.

Who is someone that you admire for their special ability? This may not be for their physical strength but some other talent or skill.

What people in history had amazing abilities? What actors or actresses are famous for the roles they played as super heroes?

I loved circus performers. There were many famous entertainers from the circus that visited Los Angeles. It was thrilling to watch the high wire act.

I wanted to walk the high wire so I rigged myself a rope between two trees. No matter how I tried, I could not get up on that rope let alone walk across it. I gave up. The next act I tried was to juggle and ride the unicycle. I was successful but I wanted to do more. Gymnastics, horse acrobatics, animal tricks and dance were all fun when I was young but as I got older, I enjoyed entertainment with stunts. That is why I created this blog.

Here is a story about the man who played Tarzan on T.V. He was an olympic athlete who used his talents to win starring roles in the movies.

Johnny Weissmuller (June 2, 1904 – January 20, 1984) was an Austro-Hungarian-born American competition swimmer, water polo player and actor. He was known for playing Edgar Rice Burroughs‘ ape man Tarzan in films of the 1930s and 1940s and for having one of the best competitive swimming records of the 20th century.

Weissmuller was one of the world’s fastest swimmers in the 1920s, winning five Olympic gold medals for swimming and one bronze medal for water polo. He was the first to break the one minute barrier for 100-meter freestyle, and the first to swim 440-yard freestyle under five minutes. He won fifty-two U.S. national championships, set more than 50 world records (spread over both freestyle and backstroke),[1] and was purportedly undefeated in official competition for the entirety of his competitive career. After retiring from competitions, he became the sixth actor to portray Tarzan, a role he played in twelve feature films. Dozens of other actors have also played Tarzan, but Weissmuller is by far the best known. Weissmuller’s distinctive Tarzan yell is still often used in films in his legacy.

Watch the original movie of, “Tarzan“.

Johnny Weissmuller (June 2, 1904 – January 20, 1984) was an Austro-Hungarian-born American competition swimmer, water polo player and actor. He was known for playing Edgar Rice Burroughs‘ ape man Tarzan in films of the 1930s and 1940s and for having one of the best competitive swimming records of the 20th century.

Weissmuller was one of the world’s fastest swimmers in the 1920s, winning five Olympic gold medals for swimming and one bronze medal for water polo. He was the first to break the one minute barrier for 100-meter freestyle, and the first to swim 440-yard freestyle under five minutes. He won fifty-two U.S. national championships, set more than 50 world records (spread over both freestyle and backstroke),[1] and was purportedly undefeated in official competition for the entirety of his competitive career. After retiring from competitions, he became the sixth actor to portray Tarzan, a role he played in twelve feature films. Dozens of other actors have also played Tarzan, but Weissmuller is by far the best known. Weissmuller’s distinctive Tarzan yell is still often used in films in his legacy.

Scripture Application:

Contentment is the absence of worry. When we do not worry, we are strong. When we are content, we are also strong.

Be content with who you are. Be content with what you have and be content with where you are in life. It is not easy to be content when we compare ourselves with others. Contentment does not mean we cannot desire good things or wish for a change, but it means we have learned to be satisfied with the present.

List three things you like about yourself.

Share three things that you have and you are thankful to have them.

Who do you admire? List three things you like about this person.

“I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. ” Philippians 4:12

Isaiah 41

“Do not fear for I am with you. Do not anxiously look about you, I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will up-hold you with my Righteous right hand.”

Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”


“It is not selfish to take care of yourself and your needs while also considering the needs of others. If you do things you enjoy doing and invite others to enjoy you, you are a stronger person. A good leader is strong. Be organized and lead others to do wholesome, charitable activities. This is strength.