Friends with Appeal (A peel!)

Have you ever been so excited to share something you can’t wait to show it to your friend?  Stunts are like that.  They aren’t any fun if you don’t stump someone.

Journey and I had a great time with this banana trick.  It is not an illusion.  You actually see what we promised to show you. 

“Nana, nana, nana!  Slice my banana!” 

Say these words over and over again as you cover this bright yellow fruit with a red bandana.  Snatch away the scarf and show the banana to the audience.  It still has a peel. 

Carefully, cut off the top of the banana and peel it.  Perfect slices will fall off into your plate!  It seems to be a miracle but in reality, we took a long needle and carefully pierced the peel. 

By gently moving the needle back and forth inside the peel, it is easy to make a slice in the fruit.  Do this three or four times as you move down the banana peel on the outside.  If you want to see this procedure demonstrated, there is a previous post on this blog that shows you how to do it.

What does this stunt teach you?  It is amazing!  This thought came to me when I peeled a banana and discovered it had bruises and dark spots on the inside:

Bananas are like new friends.  They may look solid and  cheerful and bright yellow on the outside but underneath that skin may be hiding some bruises and dark spots.  This doesn’t mean they are bad.  Afterall, ripe bananas are best for smoothies and banana nut bread.

People, like bananas, are often roughly handled.  They may have had a hard time in life by the time you meet them.  This can cause them to be sweeter or just plain rotten.

Most of the time, kids who are spoiled rotten, come from folks that give them anything they want.  This child may want you to spoil them, too.  He or she can be very demanding and expect you to do everything and anything they want you to do.  It is all about pleasing them. 

The person who has had a rough time of it, generally, is more understanding and sweet.  You may be pleased to know that people with a few bruises are very happy to make a new friend in hopes that you will treat them kindly.  Like bananas, the ones that are on the bottom of the pile, are often sweeter.  They may not look perfect, but they are worth a try.

Bible Application:

1 Samuel 16:7
“For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”

Have you ever met someone who appeared to be friendly but once you got to know them, they were like a green banana… tasteless and hard to enjoy?

Describe this person and why you felt this way.  Do not mention their name. 

Are you often tasteless and hard to enjoy because you want other people to please you ?  What are some things you can do to be a kind, sweet person to others?

Do you know someone who has had a hard time in life?  Did you try to be a friend?  Describe their background. 

Are you someone who has had a hard time in life or are you spoiled?  What difficulties have you had that make it easier for you to talk to people with the same challenges?

Boundaries Application

There are some people who are difficult to make friends with.  He or she usually tries to make you believe he is going through the hardest times and everything is unfair to them.  You cannot prove them wrong but you may still want to be friends with them.

This person is a green banana. Eat too much of a green banana and you will get sick.  It is this way with toxic people as well.  You cannot argue with this person.  He or she will not admit that they can be wrong.

The way to handle a green banana is to leave them alone until they experience a little more life with others.  Let them get ripe.  Often, life will teach them they are not the center of the universe and people get tired of listening to their troubles.

Be aware that the green banana may know everything about your past mistakes and failures.  He or she may be a family member.  A sister or brother may compare themselves with you so they can tell you and others how much better they are. The world  is full of green bananas.  Stick to the ripe ones. 

Do you know someone who always complains about everything and cannot say anything kind or pleasant about others.  Describe this person.

Do you complain about things?  When is the appropriate time to express how you feel?  Who do you tell your troubles to?

Let’s be clear.  Good friends share life together.  This means you can talk about the good and troubling events that happen.  Chatting with a good friend can make you feel you are not alone in the world.

When was the last time you had a problem and you shared it with a friend?  Could that person understand?  Did you take the time to listen to your friend and see how he or she handled the difficulty?

Describe the last time you shared a problem with a friend?  How can you keep from sharing ONLY bad things with others?

It is easy to recognize someone else who is a green banana. Make certain you are not one. Be sweet inside and out. Care about what your new friends have to say and plan something fun and exciting to do together, like slicing a banana without removing the peel!