Nuts About Dogs

What is more fun than jumping through hoops?  A dog that does magic stunts!  I have found Journey to be a willing participant in simple tricks that keep friends guessing.  How can a husky find hidden objects?  With the touch of his nose, he will make unpredictable things happen.

In this post, not only do you have fun with your dog, but you can share interesting facts about black walnuts with others.  The first video in this post illustrates how Journey can find a missing walnut.  The black walnut is something we find all over our community in Southern California, this time of year.  Buckets of these case-hardened, nutritious treats fall from the trees in September and October.

It is extremely hard to open the shells.  That is why they are safe to do tricks with.  Once they crack, the pieces are wedged so tightly in tiny segments, an animal’s teeth and claws must be adapted to feeding on them.  Squirrels, woodpeckers, jays and rodents feast on black walnuts but so do humans.  Dogs and cats have little interest.  This is a good thing.  Black walnuts are toxic to dogs.

How do you do a trick with a black walnut?  Hide a walnut under one of three cups.  Do this in front of your dog.  Make sure you have plenty of tasty treats ready.  Journey was fascinated by all the activity.  As you can see in the video, he watches intently as I switch the cups back and forth.  I prompted him to knock one over.  The key command was, “Choose!”

Dogs do not choose on command unless they are stimulated by smell.  Secretly rub cheddar cheese on the bottom of one cup.  This is done before the trick is executed.  Use any smelly cheese.

Inside the cup, on the bottom, scotch tape a piece of cheese.  The audience will not see this even if the cup is overturned.  This is the lure that grabs Journey’s attention.  When I tell him to, “choose”, he goes for the cup that smells like cheese.  I placed the black walnut in the cup with the cheese. 

Be careful!  Once your dog knocks over the cup, snatch it up or he will run away with the cup and the cheese!  This is funny but you do not want people to guess how you did the trick.

This trick was not mastered by Journey over night.  It takes lots of practice and your dog loves your attention.  First, take his paw and gently knock over the cup that is hiding the black walnut.  Give him a reward.  Do this over and over again.  Pretty soon, he may not use his paw, but he will use his nose to turn over the cup.

After this trick, explain to your listeners that black walnuts are very toxic to dogs.  Macadamia nuts are, too.  All other nuts are good for dogs, but they are fattening.  Humans are recommended to eat only one serving of nuts a day.  Dogs can only eat a teaspoon or less.  DO NOT GIVE DOGS WHOLE NUTS!

Dogs can choke on whole nuts.  The best way is to smear some nut butter on a piece of banana or another fruit.  Remember also that the seeds of apples are very toxic to dogs.  Only give him pieces of apple free from seeds.  Steer clear of poisonous foods.

The next trick that was fun to do with Journey takes a little planning.  Get a gift bag.  Cut a square in one side of the gift bag.  See the second video done with the bag trick.

Use the same method you did to attract your dog to the cup.  Put some cheese in the bag.  Set it on the floor and watch him knock it over to get the cheese.  Reward him. 

Now, put a walnut under your belt.  Wedge it against your waist and under your clothing.  You should be able to easily pull it out. 

Show the audience your bag.  Flatten it between your hands so they see nothing is in it.  Keep the square hole on the backside out of sight.  Tell the listeners:

“There is nothing in this bag.  Journey will touch this bag, and something will appear inside!”

Show the dog the bag.  Journey grabs it with his mouth.  That is O.K., too!  Take it away, before he rips it out of your hands.  Open the bag with the opening close to your waist.  Reach into the bag and out through the opening.  Grab the walnut out from your waist.  Pull the bag up quickly with your hand inside.  Show the nut!  Enjoy the laughter this show produces.

Dogs love to be actors. This trick will make him the most popular pet on your block.  People want to hug him and give him praise.  This activity builds friendships between people and animals.

There are some more things you can share about black walnuts with your listeners. This discussion will provoke children and adults to talk about wisdom.  Black walnuts are a symbol for wisdom.  What is wisdom?  How can we be wise?

This is a deep and profound question.  Tell your listeners that walnuts, especially English walnuts, have the shape of a brain.  Even the nuts themselves are the shape of brains.  It takes brains to be wise.  At this point, have some English walnuts and black walnuts to treat your listeners.  They should be packaged and out of their shells. 

Eating things is pleasurable and builds trust.  This is true with pets and people.  If we like what we eat, we are more likely to share something about ourselves.

Tell your listeners:

The shell of black walnuts is so strong only certain nut crackers can open them.  Black walnuts also are a symbol of strength and wisdom.  It can truly be said that a person who is wise is also a strong person.  It takes a strong person to do wise actions.

What is a foolish thing to do?  Listeners may say, smoke tobacco or take drugs.  Sometimes friends may want you to do something that is not wise.  It is hard to say, “no” to friends.  This takes strength.  If you are strong, you may lose a friend, but you will also be wise.  You will not develop a habit or harm your health.

There are many examples.  This is why the black walnut is a good object to choose for your tricks.  It provokes thought.

The third video is titled, “Be a Wise Cracker!”

In this video, there are four nutcrackers.  One is a huge sledgehammer, a vice grip and a store-bought macadamia nutcracker.  Ask Journey to choose which is the best nutcracker.

Before you ask your dog, smear it with nice, smelly cheese.  No one can see the smell, but your dog will go right for it.  When he touches the sledgehammer, tell the audience,

“What do you think?  Did Journey make the right choice?”

Show all the nutcrackers to the audience.  Show how the macadamia nutcracker smashes it too finely.  The vice grips cannot crack it and finally, with a soft tap, the sledgehammer works best.  Be careful.  Be sure an adult is there to help you with the sledgehammer. 

Pick out the pieces with a tweezers and tell the audience that it is best to have commercial black walnut growers do the work for you.

Bible Application:

Prov. 2:6

For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.

In this post, the black walnut is a symbol of wisdom and strength. When you are strong, then you are wise. One way to remain strong is to read Scripture often. The chapters of Psalms and Proverbs are a good place to learn what is wisdom.

Become strong in three different ways:  Physically, Spiritually and mentally.  Be wise by eating the right foods and getting lots of exercise. Get strong spiritually by reading the Word of God and fellowship with church friends. Be knowledgeable by reading everything.

Boundaries Application:

When you are weak, you are not wise. It is hard to make good decisions when you are sick, depressed or you have not gained knowledge.  There are predators that attack weak people. These are most often people.

The black walnut has a tough, hard, shell. It protects itself from being eaten so that it can grow into a tree. People must be tough and strong to protect themselves so they can grow.

If we are weak, we stop growing and we become victims for diseases and people who use others for their own, selfish desires.

Be strong and do not let people convince you to use drugs and alcohol. Be wise and do not eat the wrong foods or go places that are dangerous. Be safe and learn about your world around you.

Make friends with people who are wise and have good values. These people will encourage you and will love you.  Good friends keep you safe from harmful situations and people.  Wisdom and strength is multified when we choose to have companions with good, sound values.