Paws-So-Fino Husky


I’d like to introduce you to Journey, my Paws-so-Fino, Husky!

He is proudly wearing Paws-so-Fino Booties.  “Paws-so-Fino,” means he has paws-so-fine, because when he is shod with these shoes, he is peaceful. No harm comes to him.

When your dog and you are prepared for sudden dangers like extremely hot weather, cold, rain or roads that have thorns and thistles, you can travel safely. The boots are good protection from snakes, too!

When your dog is properly protected, it is easy to make friends and influence people. Journey prances with joy along the path and onlookers smile joyfully.  They know that you care about your pet.  If you take care of your dog, most likely you care about your friends, family and your own welfare.

It is a blessing to show kindness to animals.  They were given to us by our Creator for joy and companionship.  Watch out for their safety and well being just as much as you care for yourself. By the way, when you shod your pet’s feet or your horse’s feet, remember to shod your own feet!

One big advantage of booties is your dog will tire easily.  This is something to be cautious about.  It takes more energy to lift his feet and prance down the street.  Your exercise time may be reduced.  Offer water to your dog at least every fifteen minutes and watch his feet to make sure the booties stay securely on his paws.

There are many benefits for booties, but most of the time dogs have strong pads on their paws.  They can easily go for a walk on cement or dirt roads for fifteen minutes.  If you take hour or more runs, booties are a good thing to wear.

Be certain to prepare your dog to wear booties.  There is a video we created for you to watch.  It is listed here.  Watch all three YouTube videos to make this an enjoyable experience for your dog.

Google, “Dog Booties”.  You will be amazed by the assortment of shoes you can purchase.  Most dog pet stores carry different kinds.  If you want a, “quick-fix”, to carry in your back pack, it is advisable to purchase a balloon bootie.  Pet stores carry these.  They are made of strong rubber and look just like balloons.  Sadly, they only last about one day but they are good for emergency situations like hot sun or pavement.  This is a good thing to have if your pet hurts his or her foot on the path.  Apply a bandage and then the balloon bootie.

Most other booties look like the one in our video.  Two straps are better than one.  This insures a tight fit.  Believe me, if Journey can run an hour in a bootie, most any dog can.  It just takes the right fit.

When Journey wears booties, I am extra careful around other animals.  In the wilderness, there is always the possibility he could be attacked.  Be prepared.  The safest thing to do is to take your dog in familiar places where dangers is not present. 

Human beings wear shoes for protection.  We also are taught to, “Shod our feet with the gospel of peace”.  This is a verse from Ephesians 6:10 in the Bible.  Read about this application below:

Biblical application:

In the chapter of Ephesians 6:10 we are told:

“Shod your feet with the gospel of peace.”

It is essential for human beings to wear shoes for protection against unexpected dangers.  This verse implies that it is important to prepare our minds and hearts before we walk out the door and encounter human beings who may be angry.  The gospel of peace is, the Word of God.  When we read the words of Jesus, we learn to be peaceable creatures.  Greet people with peaceful words and kindness and you have shod your feet with the gospel of peace.  It is hard for the distressed minds of angry people to stay upset when someone tries hard to be nice to them.

We are reminded in the gospel that our struggle in life is not against people.  We must take our stand against powerful forces of wickedness and evil. Remain calm and loving toward intruders.

Boundaries Application:

Prepare yourself before you go into the world. Most people are friendly but not everyone will agree with what you do or say.   There are people that think dogs have tough paws.  I have been told I am ridiculous and foolish for spending money on dog booties.  They do not know how long I run Journey.  Just like we shod horse’s feet to protect their hooves from damage, we ought to be sensitive to the tender pads of dog’s paws.

How do you take words of unkindness?  Do you say something angry back at someone?  When a person argues with another human being, the battle just gets worse.  Good boundaries makes us aware when to say a kind word and exit the conversation.

What do you do when someone puts you down?  Prepare yourself with the understanding that we are children of God.  God loves us.  We are special to him.  If someone does not value who you are, look for someone else to be friends with.  Do something kind for a stranger and you have a new friend. Do something kind for a dog and you have a friend for life.