Strong Arms

Have you ever wanted to be super strong? Your two arms will seem stronger than the combined strength of five people in this stunt.

There are certain activities that make us feel strong. Do you remember ever feeling like you were really powerful when you could swing high up into the air on a swing in the playground? You feel this way when you can go super fast on a bicycle or roller skates. Even running makes you feel super. Can you think of other activities that make you feel like you are amazing?

Here is a stunt that will make you feel strong:

There is no preparation but it helps to have five people join you to demonstrate your super strength. Do this on the playground or at a party.

Say: “Magic makes your hands and arms very strong.”

Do: To prove it, place your hands flat against a wall and keep your arms straight. Ask someone to stand behind you.

Say: “Stretch your arms out in front and push on my back.”

Your friends will not be able to force you against the wall.

Say: “May I have four or more friends line up behind the first person?”

Do: Line up your friends behind the first person. Ask them to push flat against the shoulders of the person in front of them. Tell them to keep their arms straight. Get into the front of the line and push against the wall in front of them. Keep your arms and elbows perfectly straight. Tell the person behind you to push flat against your shoulders. They cannot make you collapse or bend your arms. You will resist their hardest efforts. You are super strong!

Here is a story about super strong skunks:

Two little skunks, one named, “In” and the other named, “Out”…wanted to go and play. Their parents told them they could but an hour later, only Out came back.

“Hasn’t In come in?” asked Father SKunk.

“Out went out with inbut only Out came back in, ” said Mother.

“Well,Out,” said Father, “…you better go out and find In and bring her in.”

So Out did. Only a few moments later, he returned with his wayward sister.

“Ah, good,” said Mother Skunk, pleased. “How did you find her?”

Out smiled. “Instinct,” he said.

In this story, the skunk’s strength was his STINK! Funny, isn’t it? Sometimes, the thing people like least about us may be used for a good purpose.

Are you super smart? Do some people dislike you because you seem to know all the answers?

Are you super tall? Are you super short? Do people dislike you for looking this way?

Do you have really curly, curly hair or no hair at all? Do people choose friends that look like them and laugh at you?

What is something you cannot do? Everyone else can do it but not you! How does this make you feel?

Scriptural Application:

Psalm lV:22

“Cast your burden on to the Lord and He will sustain thee. He will never suffer the righteous to be moved.”

When we feel we are not strong enough to climb the mountain ahead of us, that is when we turn to God in prayer and let him bear our burden. Give Him the responsibility, the care, the worry about this huge problem. Then BELIEVE He takes them. If he gave you this problem, it is for you to grow in your faith. Watch and see how strong God can be in your life, not how strong you can be.

Would you like to know one of my weaknesses? I leave drawers and cabinets open in the morning. I am in such a rush to do my job that I don’t take time to finish my duties. Slow down. Never be in a hurry. See how much stronger you will be and a little more tidy, as well.

Boundaries: Do you think you are weak? Think of something you do that makes people happy. Are there people you care for or animals you are responsible for? This shows inner strength. When people call you a weakling, share your strength with them.