‘”Birds of a Feather … stick together”

Sometimes, gravity , static electricity or physics give us the power we need to move forward in our lives. Gravity makes us stick to the earth. Family and friends stick together.

Static electricity is the build up of an electrical charge on the surface of an object. It’s called “static” because the charges remain in one area rather than moving or “flowing” to another area. We see static electricity every day. It can even build up on us.

This static electricity stunt uses this mysterious force to make the trick happen.

Balance a piece of paper on the rim of a glass and magically make it fall off…without touching the glass or the paper and without blowing on it!


Cut a scrap of paper 2 inches long and 1/2 inch wide. You will need a straw, a handkerchief or paper napkin and a glass or cup.

Do: Balance the piece of paper on the edge of the glass. Ask a friend to try to make the paper fall off without touching it in any way, without jarring the table and without blowing on the paper. Your friend can’t do it. Here is how you can.

Do: Rub the handkerchief or napkin quickly back and forth along the straw for about five seconds. Slowly bring the straw near one end of the piece of paper. The paper will magically tilt up and fall off!

Static electricity made from rubbing the straw and the handkerchief together makes this trick work.

Static electricity makes cat fur stand straight up when we brush them. Have you ever rubbed your feet back and forth on a carpet then moved over to someone and touched them with the tip of your finger? You can give them a light shock. It doesn’t hurt.

Have you ever taken clothes out of the dryer and noticed that socks stick to T-Shirts? That is static electricity caused by friction created in the turning drum of the dryer.

Static can cause things to do puzzling actions. Gravity can, too. When did gravity pull you down when you wanted to stay up?

How on earth does gravity help you? When do you need more gravity?

I used gravity to help me run marathons. Catalina Island was a great place to run marathons. There were lots of hills to climb. Going up is slow but those downward runs made up for my slow speed.

Go to Youtube and find five or more STATIC ELECTRICITY VIDEOS FOR KIDS:

Static Electricity/How it is Produced/Video for Kids … You Tube

Simple Static Electricity Experiments for Children … You Tube

Spiritual Application:

1 Peter 1:16

You shall be holy as I am holy.”

When we try to live a holy, faithful life, it will cause other believers to cling to us. Unbelievers may reject us. It is healthy to love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul. He will give you a wholesome understanding of relationships. We are called to love others and serve others but some people will reject us, others will cling too much to us. That is like static electricity and we must go away and be alone with the Lord in meditation and prayer to maintain a balanced relationship. We each have a gift. Help others identify their talents and abilities. They will be less likely to cling to you and want to take too much of your time.


A boundary is a limit or space between you and the other person; a clear place where you begin and the other person ends . . . The purpose of setting a healthy boundary is, of course, to protect and take good care of you” (n.d.).

People may want to get too close to you and cling to you, like static electricity. They may want you to spend all their time with them and only them. This is not healthy . We need many friends. Getting too close to one person can cause friction or static. Make sure you establish space between you and another person by setting a limit on the time you spend with each other and encouraging other friendships.