Stunts, Stories and Songs for the Child in Us All

Perform this stunt and make George Washington stand on his head.  If you have a dollar bill, you can!

Upside down President.
Classic stunts, stories and songs for the child in us all

Show your audience the face of Washington right side up.

Say: “How would you like to make George Washington stand on his head?”

Fold the bill in half, the long way, and bring the right end forward.

Fold the bill down behind so you see The United States of American written down.

Hold the bill in your left hand, give it a flick with your right-hand fingers.  Flick!

Unfold  the back half of the bill so that it opens out to the right.

Say:  “The President is standing on his head!


Say: “Everyone, these days, would like our President to, ‘stand on his head’.  We would like him to do anything to make things right.

Say: ” What are things you would like to see change in our nation? 

Ask the following questions.  Wait for an answer.  Give people time to think.  They may be shy. 

Suggest:  “Our schools?

Say: “That was a good stunt, wasn’t it?  Did you ever try to stand on your head?  It isn’t as easy as you think.” (Tell your own story about how you learned to stand on your head)

My story: ” I tried to stand on my head and just couldn’t get my feet over my head.  My sister, Dawn, told me to get next to a wall and inch my way up.  That didn’t work. 

My brother, Thor, said get in the swimming pool and stand on your head.  I tried this. I couldn’t stay under the water long enough!  Now, I know, I should have exhaled!

Our housekeeper, Pearl, came outside to dust a rug. She was a Christian.  That woman knew the words to dozens of hymns.  She was always singing about Jesus and I didn’t know who He was.

 I was on the front lawn.  The turf was thick, soft, Saint Augustine grass.

Pearl watched me try over and over again and fail every time.  She sang her favorite song,

‘Yes, Jesus loves me.  Yes, Jesus loves me.  Yes, Jesus loves me, the Bible tells me so.

I knew there was a God that made me and created all of nature but I didn’t know the Lord’s name was, Jesus.  She said, ‘Ask the Lord for help.’ 

I got down on my knees and shouted, ‘Lord help me!  I can’t do this!’ 

Slowly, I put my head down on the grass and lifted my knees so they rested on my elbows.  Inch by inch, I lifted my legs higher and higher. I was able to stand on the hard spot of my head.  Finally, I found that special place in my heart and on my head that made something impossible, happen!

Say:  Sometimes, we don’t trust ourselves. Other times, we don’t trust others. These thoughts keep us from doing the impossible!

 Let me tell you a great joke.  This is an international story.  Anyone, from any country or nation will get a laugh from it.” 

Joke:  A teenager tells his father, “There’s trouble with the car.  It has water in the carburetor.”

The father looks confused and says, “Water in the carburetor? That’s ridiculous.”

But the son insists.  “I tell you the car has water in the carburetor.”

His father starts to get a little nervous.  “You don’t even know what a carburetor is,” he says.  “I’ll check it out.  Where’s the car?”

His son replies, “In the pool.”

Ask:  “What did the joke and the stunt teach you?

Say:Some things look or sound impossible.  Inch by inch, you can achieve it.  Soon you will be standing on your head and laughing!

Say: Here is a song about a goat that was about to die. He saved himself just when he was about to give up trying. The theme of the song is to always cry out for help when things seem hopeless. Wave the white flag of distress and someone will rescue you!

Old Grogan’s goat. ( Google the name of this song and you will hear the melody)

There was a man. There was a man

Now, please take note. Now, please take note

There was a man. There was a man

Who had a goat, Who had a goat

He loved that goat. He loved that goat

Indeed, he did. Indeed, he did

He loved that goat. He loved that goat

Just like a kid, Just like a kid

One day that goat, One day that goat

Was feeling fine, Was feeling fine

Ate three red shirts, Ate three red shirts

Right off the line, Right off the line

His master came, His master came

And beat his back, And beat his back

And tied him to, And tied him to

The railroad track, The railroad track

The whistle blew. The whistle blew

The train drew nigh. The train drew nigh.

That poor goat knew, That poor goat knew

That he would die, That he would die

He gave three shrieks. He gave three shrieks.

Of mortal pain, Of mortal pain

Coughed up the shirt, Coughed up the shirt,

(Say) AND…

(Say) AND…


(Make the sound of a whistle train)

Optional Boundaries Discussion:

Any time you need to do the thing that seems impossible:

  1. Write down what is holding you back. What do you want to do?
  2. What is stopping you? These are called, distractions. They keep you from getting your goal. Is it work? Do other people prevent you from doing this?
  3. Take baby steps toward this dream. Read books about people who achieved great things. Be a hero each day by doing something that helps you accomplish the impossible.
  4. Celebrate and give thanks for each day’s victory.


Biblical Application:

Phil: 4:l3

Why should I say, “I can’t”, when, “I can do all things through He who strengthens me.

List five things you don’t think you can do.

List five things people say you can’t do.

Choose one thing you will do this week. Write down the steps you will take to make it happen.

Pray, “Lord, if it is Your will for me, help me achieve this dream you have put in my heart. Show me the ways to achieve it. Put people, books and instruction in my life to teach me. I know I can do all things through You , who will give me strength.”