X-Ray Eyes

Do you eat carrots because someone told you that they are good for your eyes? Can help you see through a box? Not really, but I can show you how to make your friends think you have X-Ray Eyes.


You need a box of crayons.

Say: “Do you have a box of crayons? If you don’t, you can borrow one of mine. Please empty the box. “

Do: Turn your back and tell your friend:

Say: “Drop just one crayon into the box and give me the box behind my back. (The other crayons should be out of sight so you cannot see what colors are missing.)

Do: Turn and face your friend. Keep your hands behind your back. Secretly open the box. With a little practice, you can do this without anyone guessing what you are doing. Scrape your thumbnail against the tip of the crayon.

Do: Close the lid and bring the box out in front of you.

Do: Hold up the bocx and pretend to use your X-Ray vision. Actually you look at the bit ofg crayon on your thumb or in your nail. It is easy to call out the right color!

Do: Repeat this a couple of times, if you wish


Have you ever made someone think you are a mind reader? Did you make them think you could tell the future?

I did. In fact, it was one of my favorite stunts. Many years, I had the delight of taking kids on field trips. Each time, students were given bright colored name badges. After an hour or two, I would approach a child by himself and say, “George, are you having a good time?” Nearly every time, George, or whoever I addressed would say, “How do you know my name?” I would just smile. People forget they are wearing name tags!

Have you ever surprised yourself by remembering someone’s name? I do not give myself a chance to doubt. If I meet someone a second time, I say the first name that comes to my head. I often guess right! Try it some time.

Have you ever looked up and imagined you saw a flying saucer, an alien or more likely, a shooting star? Did the other person look up and frantically look for something unusual to see? I have had this stunt back-fire on me. Often, there is something unusual the other person spots. This is when things really get fun.

Try this one: Yawn a really, really long time and someone will start yawning, too.

How about this trick! Smell a geranium flower. Tell a friend this is a chocolate geranium. You may not be fooling this person. There are scented geraniums. People always imagine the scent.

Here is a song that makes us think the ending is worse than it really is. The verses lead us to believe the imaginable!

“She Waded in the Water” author unknown

She waded in the water
And she got her feet all wet
She waded in the water
And she got her feet all wet
She waded in the water
And she got her feet all wet
But she didn’t get her (clap, clap) wet,
(clap) yet (clap)

Glory Glory Hallelujah!
Glory Glory Hallelujah!
Glory Glory Hallelujah!
But she didn’t get her (clap, clap) wet,
(clap) yet (clap)

She waded in the water
And she got her ankles wet
She waded in the water
And she got her ankles wet
She waded in the water
And she got her ankles wet
But she didn’t get her (clap, clap) wet,
(clap) yet (clap)

Glory Glory Hallelujah!
Glory Glory Hallelujah!
Glory Glory Hallelujah!
But she didn’t get her (clap, clap) wet,
(clap) yet (clap)

She waded in the water
And she got her knees all wet
She waded in the water
And she got her knees all wet
She waded in the water
And she got her knees all wet
But she didn’t get her (clap, clap) wet,
(clap) yet (clap)

Glory Glory Hallelujah!
Glory Glory Hallelujah!
Glory Glory Hallelujah!
But she didn’t get her (clap, clap) wet,
(clap) yet (clap)

She waded in the water
And she got her thighs all wet
She waded in the water
And she got her thighs all wet
She waded in the water
And she got her thighs all wet
But she didn’t get her (clap, clap) wet,
(clap) yet (clap)

Glory Glory Hallelujah!
Glory Glory Hallelujah!
Glory Glory Hallelujah!
But she didn’t get her (clap, clap) wet,
(clap) yet (clap)

She waded in the water
And she finally got it wet
She waded in the water
And she finally got it wet
She waded in the water
And she finally got it wet
She finally got her bathing suit wet!

Glory Glory Hallelujah!
Glory Glory Hallelujah!
Glory Glory Hallelujah!
She finally got her bathing suit wet!
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Thank you, authors of KDiddles.com! Readers will contact you to find other whimsical songs.

Scriptural Application.

This is a different song with the same title. It is very symbolic. You will find it interesting to share:

How Harriet Tubman used “Wade in the Water” to help slaves escape

By tellersuntold -February 15, 202102

Singing as a form of communication is deeply rooted in the Black culture.

Negro Spirituals are considered the first distinctive music genre of African people in the American diaspora.  However, It started with the slaves from Africa who were kidnapped and violently put on ships across the Atlantic during the Middle Passage. Slaves from different tribes and cultures used singing to communicate during the voyage.

Harriett Tubman’s connection with the song

If you grew up in the black church, you have sung “Wade in the Water.” This song is associated with black churches and the Underground Railroad as a Freedom song. However, Harriett Tubman used “Wade in the Water” and other spirituals as a code to instruct enslaved escapees by telling slaves to hide under the water to avoid being captured.

"Routes of the Underground Railroad, 1830-1865."
Compiled from “The Underground Railroad from Slavery to Freedom” by Willbur H. Siebert Wilbur H. Siebert, The Macmillan Company, 1898.

Water is an essential image in the Negro spiritual and a primary aspect of the slave experience. Africans began their captivity by traveling across the ocean to a new land in slave ships.

For the slave, the Ohio River divided slavery and freedom on the Underground Railroad. The song’s reference to the Jordan River was part of the coded message representing the Ohio River.  Below is an example of the lyrics from Wade in the Water showing it was a map song. In this map, directions were coded into the lyrics. 

Lyrics to “Wade in the Water”

Chorus: Wade in the Water, wade in the water, children.

Wade in the Water. God’s gonna trouble the water.

 Who are those children all dressed in Red?

 God’s gonna trouble the water.

 Must be the ones that Moses led.

 God’s gonna trouble the water.


Who are those children all dressed in White?

 God’s gonna trouble the water.

 Must be the ones of the Israelites.

 God’s gonna trouble the water.


Who are those children all dressed in Blue?

 God’s gonna trouble the water.

 Must be the ones that made it through.

 God’s gonna trouble the water.

Interpretation of the song

Howard Thurman, who served as Dean of the Chapel at Howard University, analyzed the spiritual; his interpretation is as followed:

“For [the slaves] the ‘troubled waters’ meant the ups and downs, the vicissitudes of life. Within the context of the ‘troubled’ waters of life, there are healing waters because God is in the midst of the turmoil. Do not shrink from moving confidently out into the choppy seas. Wade in the water because God is troubling the water.”

— Howard Thurman

If you don’t believe I’ve been redeemed,

 God’s a-gonna trouble the water.

 Just follow me down to Jordan’s stream,

 God’s a-gonna trouble the water.

Relationship to the Bible

The spiritual also relates to both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. For example, the

Photo of Harriett Tubman
Harriet Tubman

words “God, “Moses”, and “Jordan” were used throughout the song. In Exodus 14, its verses reflect the Israelite’s escape from Egypt. In John 5:4, the chorus refers to healing. 

This song remains one of the most significant encoded spirituals in history. The Underground Railroad helped slaves to run to free a country. They walked a night with lights similar to flashlights and moonlighted. When they needed to, they would walk “waded” in the water so that the dogs couldn’t smell their tacks. They also would hide in chariots. 

Tubman also used other songs to relayed messages. For example, when leading a slave group north, she would have to stop and get food and other necessities. During her stops, Tubman would have the slaves hide and wait for her signal.  When returning, if she sang one song two times, it would mean they were safe to come out of hiding. 


This song remains one of the most significant encoded slave songs in history. “Wade in the Water” was one of the many songs that held messages to fellow slaves to find a path to freedom. Although the original songwriter is unknown, it was first published in New Jubilee Songs as Sung by the Fisk Jubilee Singers (1901) by John Wesley Work II and his brother, Frederick J. Work. Wade in the Water has been featured in many famous artists’ works, from Alvin Ailey’s 1960’s signature ballet, Revelations, to the melody used for the 1988 Tony! Tone! Tone! hit “Little Walter.”